Member Commitments

Interested in becoming a member?  We offer both individual and corporate membership options.

Individual Membership Online Application

Corporate Membership Online Application

  • $40 initiation Fee + $145 annual dues
  • Attendance at the weekly luncheon meetings from 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
  • Invitation of a guest speaker one meeting per year with purchase of meal for the guest
  • Participation in at least one committee
  • Purchasing/selling 4 raffle tickets ($120 total) to the annual, primary fundraiser Rotary Auction
  • Supporting fundraising for Princeton High School senior scholarships
  • Volunteer your time and talents during community events sponsored by Rotary
  • $75 Initiation Fee + $250 annual dues
  • Designate a Primary member for the business. Primary is listed as an individual member with Rotary International
  • Designation of up to 3 Supporting Members for the business
  • Complete and submit a Corporate Membership Application (now available online)
  • Includes all individual commitments as well. Corporate members accomplish the individual responsibilities as a group

Service Project Opportunities

  • Annual Rotary Auction
  • Delivery of Christmas poinsettias
  • 50/50 raffles and fundraisers
  • Rotary Park clean-up and beautification
  • Volunteering at local agencies
  • And much more!


Four-Way Test

The Four-Way Test of the things we think say or do is a test used by Rotarians world-wide as a moral code for personal and business relationships. 

  1. Is it the truth?
  2. Is it fair to all concerned? 
  3. Will it build good will and better friendships? 
  4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned? 

Meeting Information

The Princeton Rotary Club meets every Tuesday from 11:45 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.  Our meetings are held at Ye Olde Underground Inn.

Committee Choices

  • Attendance - performed by Club Secretary or alternate member if absent
  • Auction - work with several members on our main fundraiser event which provides funds to donate to several local organizations and internationally
  • Audit - performs quarterly review of club finances
  • Community Service - organizes and performs service projects approved by the Board. All club members are encouraged to assist with projects as well
  • Foundation - fundraising dinner for International support of projects approved by the Board
  • Fundraising - develop fundraising events for PHS scholarships
  • Grants - recommends Rotary International and district grant projects, obtain training to write and submit grant application and reports
  • Greeters/Collectors - greet and check in members and guests at each meeting, collect money for the meal, balance cash drawer, and give money to treasurer, maintain check in sheet member names
  • Invocations - organize schedule of volunteers to pray at start of each meeting
  • Membership/Mentoring - provide information about club and Rotary International. Be available for orientation of new members and available to answer questions about the club


  • Pivot - create and distribute a weekly newsletter that keeps members informed about past, current, and upcoming events, members, guests, and other club information
  • Programs - incoming President schedules club members to bring guest speaker
  • Public Relations - write articles and inform non-members about upcoming auction, recent speakers, and upcoming events via BCR, radio, and social media
  • Scholarship - review PHS candidate's criteria for college or trade school. Invitation to student to attend lunch meeting where they can give a brief biography including how the money will be applied
  • Sergeant at Arms - announcement of birthdays and anniversaries (each pays $1), collection of Happy Dollars ($1 for each happy announcement), and facilitating the 50/50 drawing at each weekly meeting
  • Special Lunches - plan, coordinate, and decorate for Special Luncheon events including Valentine's Day luncheon, Administrative Professionals Day, Veterans Day, and other special recognitions
  • Vocational Service - nomination of a few local citizens to receive the Non-Rotarian of the Year Award
  • Youth Programs - organize events for local youth; serve as advisor(s) for PHS Interact Club